Friday, 18 April 2008

May Day Greetings for Edinburgh Leisure

We will be lobbying MSPs at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday May 1st.

We have arranged a meeting with Lothian MSPs interested in our campaign to Save the Creche services here in Edinburgh. Assemble outside the public entrance at 10.30am. Children welcome, also the Parliament has a free creche with some places available for the meeting - you do have to pre-book. This is an important op
portunity to protest against Edinburgh Leisure's cuts in childcare and women's access to health.

Demo To Save The Commie Pool Creche

Show your support for the creche at the Commie by joining our
Demonstration on Tuesday 22nd April 12noon

The creche at the Royal Commonwealth Pool is still under threat of closure. This well used facility is loved by many parents and carers in the local area. The Commie is to be upgraded for use in the Commonwealth Games 2014, if we don't fight to keep the creche there now - they won't give us a new one as part of the redevelopment project.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Hands up for Leith!

If you use Leith Victoria Swim Centre Creche and want to help in the campaign to keep it open then come along on Monday 14th April at 2pm to The Junction, Great Junction Street, to find out what you can do to Save Our Creche. All welcome.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Protesters braved the rain and wind last Sunday at the World Cross Country Championships to keep up the pressure on Edinburgh Leisure and the City of Edinburgh Council. While the world's media focused on the international athletes, our team reminded visitors to the event that Edinburgh needs creche services so parents can keep fit too.

Quality Childcare - Worth fighting For