Thursday, 29 May 2008

Shy Bairns Get Nowt!

A deputation of women and children protesting against the creche closures in Edinburgh today persuaded the City of Edinburgh Council to urgently look for alternative funding to stop the closure of the threatened creches.

Just goes to prove - if you don't ask - you definitely don't get!

We now need to ensure this becomes a reality and quickly, the creches are due to
close at the end of June. Let's make sure this stays a high priority for the councillors .

Well done to everyone who has kept this campaign going.

Council notes the demand by crèche users to ‘Explore alternative funding sources within and outwith the Council to replace funding withdrawn by the Council from the grant to Edinburgh Leisure‘.

Council therefore instructs officials to enter into urgent dialogue with Lothian Health Board with a view to utilising funding streams to close the funding gap for Leith Victoria, Kirkliston, Craiglockhart, Royal Commonwealth Pool, Portobello, Drumbrae, Gracemount and Ainslie Park which has resulted in price increases or closure of crèche facilities at these centres.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Lobby the Council

The City of Edinburgh Council will next meet on Thursday 29th May at 10am at the City Chambers. We plan to be there to protest at their decision to cut funding from Edinburgh Leisure resulting in the closure of creche facilities.

Come and join us - bring your banners, balloons and bairns.

Assemble outside the City Chambers on the High Street at 9.30am.

The BBC have already promoted our event here

Sign Up to Save Our Creche Services

We intend to hand in a petition to the Council to protest at their decision to cut funding to Edinburgh Leisure, resulting in the closure of our creche services. We want them to explore alternative funding sources within & outwith the council to replace funding withdrawn by the council from the grant to Edinburgh Leisure and to enter into dialogue with Lothian Health Board to utilise funding streams to close the funding gap for Leith Victoria, Kirkliston, Craiglockart, Commonwealth, Portobello, Drumbrae, Gracemount and Ainsle Park

Sign our Petition here

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Parliament Meeting a Huge Success - Committee Room Finally Comes Alive!

The campaign to Save Our Creche Services had a fantastic response to our call for a lobby at the Scottish Parliament on 1st May. Over 60 parents came to the Parliament to meet with MSPs in the Lothians to ask for their help in saving the Creches. Committee Room 1 has never been so full of life as the children played, screamed, cried and crushed their biscuits into the posh carpets! Mums from all over the city who use
Craiglockhart, Leith, Kirkliston, Portobello and the Royal Commonwealth Pool creche services attended the meeting. Parents were angry at the £2 flat fee increase that has already been slapped on the creche resulting in some women 'disappearing' as they are unable to afford the new fee. Edinburgh Councillors and Edinburgh Leisure had both refused to accept responsibility for this decision. In determined mood we agreed to fight on to ensure that women in the city have access to gym, swim and fitness classes. With the current political focus on health, it is absurd that mothers of young children are to be denied access to these facilities.
Full STV coverage here.

Quality Childcare - Worth fighting For