Sadly, the campaign received news yesterday that the four remaining Edinburgh Leisure crèches are to close on 26 March 2010.
Edinburgh Leisure have confirmed that they will not trial a scheme proposed by the campaign, the intention of which was to charge enough to cover the cost of the crèche. This is in spite of the fact that many of you have said directly that you would pay more for the crèche. And in spite of the fact that a Council Motion to find an alternative way to provide crèches was passed unanimously in December. This has to raise
serious questions about who exactly public bodies such as Edinburgh Leisure are accountable to. And it has to raise serious questions about how committed Edinburgh Leisure ever were to providing crèches long term.
This is clearly a very disappointing end to the campaign. It's also a blow to the health and wellbeing of women and children across the city, many of whom will now be excluded from leisure facilities which have been paid for with public money, and should be available to all.
Many, many thanks to all of you who joined the campaign. All that remains now is for us to support the fantastic crèche staff in the coming weeks - I'm sure all of you agree that they have done a sterling job and we, and our children, will miss them greatly.